Noto Serif Hebrew is a modulated (“serif”) design for texts in the Middle Eastern Hebrew script.

Noto Serif Hebrew has multiple weights and widths, contains 150 glyphs, 4 OpenType features, and supports 145 characters from 2 Unicode blocks: Hebrew, Alphabetic Presentation Forms.

Supported writing systems


Hebrew (עברית) is a Middle Eastern abjad, written right-to-left (14 million users). Used for the Hebrew, Samaritan and Yiddish languages. Also used for some varieties of Arabic and for the languages of Jewish communities across the world. Has 22 consonant letters, 5 have positional variants. Vowels in Hebrew language are normally omitted except for long vowels which are sometimes written with the consonant letters אהוי (those were vowel-only letters until the 9th century). Children’s and school books use niqqud diacritics for all vowels. Religious texts may use cantillation marks for indicating rhythm and stress. Needs software support for complex text layout (shaping). Read more on ScriptSource, Unicode, Wikipedia, Wiktionary, r12a.