Noto Dashboard

Welcome to the Noto dashboard. Noto is a collection of high-quality fonts with multiple weights and widths in sans, serif, mono, and other styles, in more than 1,000 languages and over 150 writing systems.

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If you are a software distributor looking to download and package the entire Noto collection, you can either git clone or download this repository.

# Noto Adlam

Noto Sans Adlam v3.001 android 3.000 3.000 3.001 phone_iphone 3.000 laptop_mac 3.000
Noto Sans Adlam v3.001

This is an administrative release.
Noto Sans Adlam Unjoined v3.001 3.000 3.001
Noto Sans Adlam Unjoined v3.001

This is an administrative release.

# Noto Ahom

  • <U+11722, U+11724> ligature is closer to the base letter than U+11722 (#20)
  • Reduplicated spacing marks are not spacing (#19)
  • Unicode 14.0 letters do not appear in any OpenType rules (#18)
Noto Serif Ahom v2.007 2.003 2.005 phone_iphone 2.003 laptop_mac 2.003
Noto Serif Ahom v2.007

This release:

* Improves the formation and positioning of -iu ligatures (#16)
* Improves kerning (#16)
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# Noto Anatolian Hieroglyphs

Noto Sans Anatolian Hieroglyphs v2.001 2.000 2.000
Noto Sans Anatolian Hieroglyphs v2.001

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails

# Noto Arabic

  • Noto Naskh Arabic - More Weights? (#233)
  • Incorrect diacritic position for letter jeem when using bullets in InDesign (#232)
  • Farsi symbol named "سریاء" (#230)
  • Overlap Issue in Noto Sans Arabic (#229)
  • Interpolation problems in `NotoNaskhArabic[wght].ttf` (#226)
  • Noto Sans Arabic v2.011: numerals on subtending marks are too light in weight (#217)
  • maybe there exist some problems with these glyphs, and others… (#211)
  • should there a version with a looped kyrgyz oe? (#203)
  • Add Coptic Epact Numbers? (#198)
Noto Kufi Arabic v2.109 2.107 2.102
Noto Kufi Arabi v2.109

This version restores the older (tighter) vertical metrics and fixes some issues anchoring marks to the dotted circle.
Noto Naskh Arabic v2.018 android 1.080 2.012 2.016
Noto Naskh Arabic v2.018

This release:

* Fixes an interpolation issue with the footnote marker
* Updates the OS/2 usWinAscent vertical metrics
* Fixes U+FB96 dots
* Fixes U+FEE9 shape

(All changes thanks to Khaled Hosny)
Noto Naskh Arabic UI v2.014 android 1.080 2.012 2.015
Noto Naskh Arabic UI v2.014

This release
* fixes U+06F7 to prefer the Persian form and localize to the Urdu form on demand (issue #27)
* fixes some accents that were not correctly anchoring to the dotted
* brings Noto Naskh Arabic UI up to Google Fonts production standards
Noto Sans Arabic v2.012 2.009 2.004
Noto Sans Arabic v2.012

This release:

* Fixes the shape of U+FEE9 (#206)
* Improves the positioning of the dots in TCHEHEH FINAL FORM (#208)
* Improves the positioning of marks on ZAIN WITH INVERTED V ABOVE (#209)
* Improves the positioning of the bar on REH WITH STROKE (#210)
* Fixes the position of marks on KAF/GAF (#213, #214, #218)
* Improves the positioning of marks on TAH (#215)
* Restores kerning which had gone missing (#216)
* Corrects the dots under GUEH (#219)
* Fixes the vertical metrics (#221)
Noto Kufi Arabic
Noto Naskh Arabic
Noto Naskh Arabic UI
Noto Sans Arabic
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# Noto Armenian

  • Italic (cursive) variants of Georgian and Armenian (#3)
Noto Sans Armenian v2.008 android 2.005 2.005 2.007 phone_iphone 2.040 laptop_mac 2.040
Noto Sans Armenian v2.008

This release

* Fixes the attachment of dieresis to digraphs (#2)
* Fixes spacing around dieresis and punctuation (#5)
* Adds the right single quotation mark U+2019 (#4)
Noto Serif Armenian v2.008 android 2.005 2.005 2.007
Noto Serif Armenian v2.008

This release

* Fixes the attachment of dieresis to digraphs (#2)
* Fixes spacing around dieresis and punctuation (#5)
* Adds the right single quotation mark U+2019 (#4)
Noto Sans Armenian
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Noto Serif Armenian
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# Noto Avestan

Noto Sans Avestan v2.003 android 1.040 2.001 2.002 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Avestan v2.003

This release contains no source changes, but rebuilds the font with the latest toolchain, restoring autohinting. (#1)
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# Noto Balinese

  • Third-level la needs drawing (#34)
  • Overlapping above-base marks in Balinese (#8)
  • Various TEDUNG defects in Noto Serif Balinese Phase III (#5)
Noto Sans Balinese v2.005 android 1.030 2.002 2.003
Noto Sans Balinese v2.005

This release:
* Fixes many third-level stacking conjuncts (#3)
* Fixes several other conjunct issues (#4)
* Monospaces the musical symbols (#6)
* Improves the rendering of -u/-uu after conjuncts (#10)
* Improves the positioning of anchors on a dotted circles (#16)
* Fixes a number of overlaps (#33)
* Removes hinting from non-hinted builds (#37)
Noto Serif Balinese v2.005 2.002 2.004 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Serif Balinese v2.005

This release:
* Fixes the formation of short jha with vowel marks (see #7, #9)
* Moves certain lookups from the liga feature to the rlig feature (see #11)
* Fixes the formation of vowel ligatures with conjuncts (see #12)

# Noto Bamum

  • Inconsistent weights of Bamum glyphs (#2)
Noto Sans Bamum v2.002 android 1.030 2.000 2.002 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Bamum v2.002 This release fixes variable font interpolation bugs with letters REE and PI.

# Noto Bassa Vah

Noto Sans Bassa Vah v2.002 2.001 2.002 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Bassa Vah v2.002

This is an administrative release; it fixes a number of fontbakery

# Noto Batak

  • U+1BFF BATAK SYMBOL BINDU PANGOLAT overlaps marks and 'dist' should ignore U+1BE6 BATAK SIGN TOMPI (#12)
  • The Mandailing 'na' letter is not correct (#10)
  • The result of the first Toba Congress request to modify the "ba" character. (#9)
  • Incorrect glyph for 'u' (#7)
Noto Sans Batak v2.003 android 1.050 2.001 2.002 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Batak 2.003

This release:

* Adds a default languagesystem tag (#11)
* Swaps postvowel and ng (#8)
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# Noto Bengali

  • UI font has regressions (#22)
  • Half forms are not to be used in Bengali (#10)
  • TTA-RA conjunct needs redrawing (#6)
  • Noto Sans Tirhuta and Noto Sans Bengali fonts need knots (#2)
  • Characters needed in Bengali font (#1)
Noto Sans Bengali v2.003 android 2.001 2.002 2.003
Noto Sans Bengali v2.003

This is an administrative release.
Noto Serif Bengali v2.003 android 2.001 2.001 2.003
Noto Serif Bengali v2.003

This is an administrative release.
Noto Sans Bengali
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Noto Serif Bengali
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# Noto Bhaiksuki

  • Two marks have base glyphs (#9)
  • Missing or misplaced Bhaiksuki anchor points (#4)
  • Bhaiksuki ddve looks like ḍve (#3)
  • Subjoined Bhaiksuki numbers include U+11C42 BHAIKSUKI DOUBLE DANDA (#2)
  • Bad combination of Bhaiksuki repha and vowel sign i/ī (#1)
Noto Sans Bhaiksuki v2.002 2.001 2.001 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Bhaiksuki v2.002 This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.
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# Noto Brahmi

  • Vowel signs block non-spacing candrabindu (#13)
  • Brahmi: conjucts are missing from the font (#1)
Noto Sans Brahmi v2.004 android 1.030 2.002 2.001 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Brahmi v2.004

This release:

* Covers new codepoints in Unicode 14.0 (U+11071, U+11072), thanks to Ek Type.
* Adds space before vocalic R (#6)
* Improves the anchoring of AI vowel, BHATTIPROLU AA, and digits (#2, #4, #5)
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# Noto Buginese

Noto Sans Buginese v2.002 android 1.050 2.000 2.002 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Buginese v2.002 This release fixes mark attachment in full builds.

# Noto Buhid

Noto Sans Buhid v2.001 android 1.030 2.000 2.001 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Buhid v2.001

* Ensure we have a buhd script tag; fixes #1
* Copyright & version update
* Use typo metrics
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# Noto Canadian Aboriginal

  • Identical glyphs for U+144A and U+18F3 (#3)
Noto Sans Canadian Aboriginal v2.004 android 1.030 2.001 2.002
Noto Sans Canadian Aboriginal v2.004

This release:

* adds the narrow no-break space character (U+202F) used in Cree.
* removes the semibold master, regularizing some spacing and dot positioning.

# Noto Carian

Noto Sans Carian v2.002 android 1.050 2.000 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Carian v2.002

This release fixes the shape of U+102BA CARIAN LETTER E to match paleographic sources. (#1)
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# Noto Caucasian Albanian

Noto Sans Caucasian Albanian v2.005 2.003 2.001 phone_iphone 2.001 laptop_mac 2.001
Noto Sans Caucasian Albanian v2.005

This release:

* Fixes the OS/2.usWinAscent value to conform to the Google Fonts specification
* Enables conjoining macrons (#3)
* Change shape of combining double macrons (#5)

# Noto Chakma

  • New Style (#15)
Noto Sans Chakma v2.003 2.002 2.003 phone_iphone 2.001 laptop_mac 2.001
Noto Sans Chakma v2.003

This release:
* Fixes a number of fontbakery fails
* Stops producing AA vowel and EI vowel signs from virama+aa/virama+i conjuncts (see #4)
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# Noto Cham

Noto Sans Cham v2.004 android 1.020 2.001 2.002 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Cham v2.004

This release:

* Removes errant style map family names
* Corrects the kerning of the dotless double danda (#9)

# Noto Cherokee

Noto Sans Cherokee v2.001 android 2.000 2.000 2.001
Noto Sans Cherokee v2.001

This release:
* fixes a number of fontbakery fails
* Moves the COMBINING DIAERESIS BELOW accent below base letters. (Fixes #2)

# Noto Chorasmian

  • 'cv01' and 'cv02' are incomplete (#9)
Noto Sans Chorasmian v1.004 1.001 n/a
Noto Sans Chorasmian v1.004

This release:

* Fixes the joining behaviour of aleph (#3, #5, #8)
* Improves the spacing between various pairs (#3, #4)
* Makes positional substitutions required, not optional (#6)
* Removes a ligature between the digits FOUR and THREE (#7)

# Noto Coptic

  • Marks block raised middle dot (#16)
  • Variable font with weight axis (#15)
Noto Sans Coptic v2.004 android 1.030 2.001 2.002 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Coptic v2.004

This release corrects the combination U+605 U+102E5 (numbersign + five) (#14)
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# Noto Cuneiform

  • Some glyphs do not show up in Adobe products (#1)
Noto Sans Cuneiform v2.001 android 1.050 2.000 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Cuneiform v2.001

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Cypriot

Noto Sans Cypriot v2.002 android 1.030 2.000 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Production ready fonts

# Noto Cypro Minoan

Noto Sans Cypro Minoan v1.503 1.502 n/a
Noto Sans Cypro-Minoan v1.503

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Deseret

  • Wrong glyphs for DESERET CAPITAL/SMALL LETTER VEE (#2)
Noto Sans Deseret v2.001 android 1.020 2.000 2.000
Noto Sans Deseret v2.001

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.
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# Noto Devanagari

  • NotoSansDevanagari Font's Glyph named 'katadeva' is not working. (#40)
  • Noto Devanagari : Addition of more alternative glyphs (#34)
  • Representation of geminate Devanagari letter NA in Noto Serif Devanagari (#13)
  • Add ligature for श्न (śna) in Devanagari Serif (#7)
  • Jihvamuliya and upadhmaniya do not stack in Devanagari (#4)
  • Devanagari: vowels over the hanging line+candrabindu intersect in document fonts (#3)
  • More conjuncts required (#1)
Noto Sans Devanagari v2.004 android 2.000 2.002 2.003
This release: 

*  adds kerning between the UU vowel and punctuation (#2) 
*  ensures vedic marks attach to the base instead of any following visarga (#5) 
*  makes the kerning of za and zha consistent with ja (#6) 
*  blocks conjuncts after ZWJ half forms (#8) 
*  uses the reph form of ra + l-vocalic (#32) 
*  avoids a clash between some subsequent vedic marks (#10)
Noto Serif Devanagari v2.004 android 2.001 2.001 2.003
This release: 
* changes the category of ardhavisarga to fix a spacing issue (#32) 
* uses the reph form of ra + l-vocalic (#32) 
* avoids a clash between some subsequent vedic marks (#10)
Noto Sans Devanagari
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Noto Serif Devanagari
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# Noto Dives Akuru

  • Extraneous Dives Akuru conjuncts without viramas (#7)
  • Questionable glyphs for Dives Akuru yi (#6)
  • Inconsistent positioning of U+1193F DIVES AKURU PREFIXED NASAL SIGN (#5)
  • Many missing Dives Akuru touching conjuncts (#3)
  • U+11943 DIVES AKURU SIGN NUKTA blocks ligatures (#2)
Noto Serif Dives Akuru v1.001 1.000 n/a
Noto Serif Dives Akuru v1.001

This release:

* Improves the appearance of the initial ra glyph (#8)
* Improves mark positioning and adds missing touching conjuncts (#9)
* Increases consistency by using the attached form of the prefixed nasal sign (#10)
* Renders certain ligatures as touching forms (#11)
* Avoids collisions between multiple above marks (#12)
* Uses the correct (dist) feature for spacing (#13)
* Adds the dotted circle glyph (#14)
* Removes an incorrect stylistic set (#15)
* Fixes the ligation of letter ya (#1)
* and fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

Many thanks to @sergiolmartins for all his work on this release!

# Noto Dogra

  • Conjuncts are to be added in the Dogra font (#7)
Noto Serif Dogra v1.007 android 1.002 1.004 1.003
Noto Serif Dogra v1.007

This release:

* Removes the unnecessary avagraha glyph
* Fixes the width of the space glyph to be consistent with nonbreaking space
* Fixes the reordering of the matra in the "shri" combination when using ss02 (#11)
* Fixes the kerning of old-nga/aa (#13)
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# Noto Duployan

  • Leave and rename v2 (#6)
Noto Sans Duployan v3.001 2.000 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Duployan v3.001

This is a completely new version of the font, which implements Duployan connections and shaping.

# Noto Egyptian Hieroglyphs

  • Strange metrics? (#16)
  • May I make counting rods 3FA…40C thicker? (#9)
  • Font sometimes displays shifted ~200 units upwards (#7)
  • Add hieroglyphic variants controlled by variation selectors (#6)
  • Questionable stroke width for U+130C9 EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPH D067 etc. (#2)
  • Support Egyptian Hieroglyph Format Controls (#1)
Noto Sans Egyptian Hieroglyphs v2.002 android 1.040 2.000 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Egyptian Hieroglyphs v2.002

This release adds support for various codepoints added in Unicode 14.
Thanks to @mercury13 (drawing) and @dwerning (consultancy).

# Noto Elbasan

  • Missing Greek diacritics in Noto Sans Elbasan (#2)
Noto Sans Elbasan v2.004 2.003 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Elbasan v2.004

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.
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# Noto Elymaic

Noto Sans Elymaic v1.002 1.000 1.000
Noto Sans Elymaic v1.002

This releases:

* Adds a new stylistic set for an allograph found at Tang-i Butan (#3)
* Removes the erroneous yodh/zayin ligature (#1)
* Clarifies the name of stylistic sets (#3)

# Noto Ethiopic

  • Interpolation problems in `NotoSansEthiopic[wdth,wght].ttf` (#13)
Noto Sans Ethiopic v2.102 android 2.000 2.100 2.102
Noto Sans Ethiopic v2.102

- Added Unicode 14.0 Gurage characters: U+1E7E0, U+1E7E1, U+1E7E2,
  U+1E7E3, U+1E7E4, U+1E7E5, U+1E7E6, U+1E7E8, U+1E7E9, U+1E7EA,
  U+1E7EB, U+1E7ED, U+1E7EE, U+1E7F2, U+1E7F3, U+1E7F4, U+1E7F5,
  U+1E7F6, U+1E7F7, U+1E7F8, U+1E7F9, U+1E7FA, U+1E7FB, U+1E7FC,
  U+1E7FD, U+1E7FE.
Noto Serif Ethiopic v2.102 android 2.000 2.100 2.102
Noto Serif Ethiopic v2.102

- Added Unicode 14.0 Gurage characters: U+1E7E0, U+1E7E1, U+1E7E2,
  U+1E7E3, U+1E7E4, U+1E7E5, U+1E7E6, U+1E7E8, U+1E7E9, U+1E7EA,
  U+1E7EB, U+1E7ED, U+1E7EE, U+1E7F2, U+1E7F3, U+1E7F4, U+1E7F5,
  U+1E7F6, U+1E7F7, U+1E7F8, U+1E7F9, U+1E7FA, U+1E7FB, U+1E7FC,
  U+1E7FD, U+1E7FE.
Noto Sans Ethiopic
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Noto Serif Ethiopic
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# Noto Georgian

  • Combining characters are not in 'cmap' (#7)
  • Georgian Nuskhuri 2D00…2D2F is not canonical (#4)
Noto Sans Georgian v2.005 android 2.001 2.001 2.002
Noto Sans Georgian v2.005

This release fixes an interpolation issue in Un+macron and Om+macron
Noto Serif Georgian v2.003 android 2.001 2.001 2.002
Noto Serif Georgian v2.003

This release adds the numero to full builds (#6) and fixes a kerning issue (#2)
Noto Sans Georgian
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Noto Serif Georgian
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# Noto Glagolitic

  • U+2C2F and U+2C5F missing (#7)
  • U+25CC DOTTED CIRCLE has no anchor point (#6)
Noto Sans Glagolitic v2.004 android 1.040 2.000 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Glagolitic v2.004

This release fixes a problem with the anchoring of glyphs to the dotted circle.

# Noto Gothic

Noto Sans Gothic v2.001 android 1.030 2.000 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Gothic v2.001

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.
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# Noto Grantha

  • No advance width for repha breaked out of a cluster (#23)
  • Number of -ya in clusters indistinguishable (#22)
Noto Sans Grantha v2.003 android 2.001 2.001 2.003
Noto Sans Grantha v2.003

This release
* fixes a number of fontbakery fails
* adds names to all stylistic sets
* fixes a rare issue with Tamil numerals (see #6)
Noto Serif Grantha v2.004 2.003 2.004
Noto Serif Grantha v2.004

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails, as well as adding
names to the stylistic sets.
Noto Sans Grantha
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Noto Serif Grantha
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# Noto Gujarati

  • Marks without anchor points overlap other glyphs (#29)
  • Ja-based clusters are not always ligated with vowel signs’ vertical stems (#27)
  • Shape of matras in Candra E and Candra O in Serif Gujarati (#8)
  • Add ligature for દૃ (dṛ) in Sans Gujarati (#7)
  • Question regarding the shape of રુ (ru) in Gujarati fonts (#5)
  • Ja design, and ja-ya ligature (#1)
Noto Sans Gujarati v2.106 android 1.030 2.101 2.102
Noto Sans Gujarati v2.106

This release re-exports the danda/double danda glyphs and fixes an interpolation issue in uuvowelsignnuktagujr.
Noto Serif Gujarati v2.106 android 2.002 2.002 2.102
Noto Serif Gujarati v2.106

This release:

* fixes an interpolation issue in k_ss_r
* restores the ra-u and ra-uu ligatures
Noto Sans Gujarati
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Noto Serif Gujarati

# Noto Gunjala Gondi

Noto Sans Gunjala Gondi v1.004 1.002 1.002
This release:

* Fixes matra decomposition where the AA vowel would disappear (#2)
* Fixes some contextual forms of -OO/-AU vowels (#1)

# Noto Gurmukhi

  • Add support for Additional Pairin and Addha Forms in Gurmukhi as per Unicode Standard 15.0.0 (#26)
  • Subscripts with longer vertical strokes are implemented incompletely (#24)
  • Handling of I-matra + tippi (#21)
  • Support conjuncts found in the Adi Granth (#6)
  • Noto Serif Gurmukhi is not attaching conjuncts correctly (#4)
Noto Sans Gurmukhi v2.004 android 2.001 2.002 2.003
Noto Sans Gurmurkhi v2.004

This release:
* Is a bit smaller by removing unnecessary ligatures (#2)
* Fixes the positioning of bindi before the II matra (#23)
Noto Serif Gurmukhi v2.004 android 2.001 2.001 2.003
Noto Serif Gurmukhi v2.004

This release:
* Fixes the positioning of bindi before the II matra (#23)
Noto Sans Gurmukhi
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Noto Serif Gurmukhi

# Noto Hanifi Rohingya

# Noto Hanunoo

  • U+172D: HANUNOO LETTER RA (ᜭ) should be updated to modern Ra. (#1)
Noto Sans Hanunoo v2.004 android 1.040 2.002 2.003 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
This release makes U+1734 HANUNOO SIGN PAMUDPOD spacing, fixing issue #2

# Noto Hatran

Noto Sans Hatran v2.001 2.000 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Hatran v2.001 This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.
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# Noto Hebrew

  • Dagesh overlaps in heavier weights of Noto Sans Hebrew (#47)
  • U+05EF missing (#46)
  • Noto Rashi Hebrew - no support for U+FB4F (Hebrew Ligature Alef Lamed) (#37)
  • Noto Rashi Hebrew - no support for U+FB1E (Hebrew Point Judeo-Spanish Varika) (#36)
  • Kerning of the letter צ (#33)
  • Overlapping Hebrew vowel signs (#12)
  • Hebrew script does not have a mono version (#10)
  • Misplaced puncta extraordinaria in Rashi (#8)
  • Misplaced Yiddish vowel points (#6)
  • Hebrew cantillation marks (#4)
  • Problems with meteg (#2)
Noto Rashi Hebrew v1.006 1.004 1.006
Noto Rashi Hebrew v1.006

This release replaces the Latin subset in full builds with Noto Serif.
Noto Sans Hebrew v2.003 android 1.040 3.000 2.003
Noto Sans Hebrew v2.003

This is an administrative release.
Noto Serif Hebrew v2.003 android 2.001 2.002 2.003
Noto Serif Hebrew v2.003

This is a maintenance release.
Noto Rashi Hebrew
Noto Sans Hebrew
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Noto Serif Hebrew
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# Noto Imperial Aramaic

Noto Sans Imperial Aramaic v2.001 android 1.030 2.000 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Imperial Aramaic v2.001

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Indic Siyaq Numbers

Noto Sans Indic Siyaq Numbers v2.002 2.000 2.000
Noto Sans Indic Siyaq Numbers v2.002

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Inscriptional Pahlavi

Noto Sans Inscriptional Pahlavi v2.003 android 1.020 2.002 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Inscriptional Pahlavi v2.003

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Inscriptional Parthian

Noto Sans Inscriptional Parthian v2.003 android 1.030 2.001 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Inscriptional Parthian v2.003

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Javanese

  • Contextually unnecessary alternative form of U+A9BF JAVANESE CONSONANT SIGN CAKRA (#34)
  • U+A9BE JAVANESE CONSONANT SIGN PENGKAL blocks above-base mark ligatures (#33)
  • U+25CC is deleted in <U+A98E, U+A980, U+25CC, U+A9B4> (#32)
  • U+A9B3 JAVANESE SIGN CECAK TELU blocks contextual forms (#31)
Noto Sans Javanese v2.005 2.003 2.004
Noto Sans Javanese 2.005

This release:

- Adds a second level pasangan stack (#2)
- Allows cakra ligatures around above marks (#7)

# Noto Kaithi

  • ZWJ repositions virama slightly (#28)
  • Above-base marks are duplicated after U+110B1 KAITHI VOWEL SIGN I (#27)
  • U+200D blocks reph/half form of non-adjacent preceding consonant (#26)
  • Reph overlaps vowel signs U+110B5..U+110B8 (#25)
  • Reph blocks 'ss02' form of U+110B3 KAITHI VOWEL SIGN U (#24)
  • Kaithi letter "a" and other characters having this glyph look wrongly written (#2)
  • Incomplete 'ss01' and 'ss03' in Noto Sans Kaithi (#1)
Noto Sans Kaithi v2.005 android 1.050 2.001 2.001 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Kaithi v2.005

This release:

* Adds the newly encoded glyph U+110C2 KAITHI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC R
* Forms reph only when there is a following glyph (#18)
* Blocks reph with nukta (#19)
* Ensures that all stylistic sets work in combination (#3)
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Hinted help

# Noto Kannada

  • Position of Nukta U+0CBC with some vowels in Noto Serif Kannada (#56)
  • The glyphs of some vowel sign combinations of ಟ need to be revisited in Serif (#14)
  • Shape of ಜ and its subscript are not matching in Serif (#13)
  • The glyphs of ಙೌ ಞೌ ೞೌ ಱೌ needs to be updated in Sans (#11)
  • Noto Serif Kannada number height (#7)
  • Bad stacking behaviour of upadhmaniya and jihvamuliya (#6)
  • Kannada letter design issue ಪು, ಪೂ, ಪೊ, ಪೋ, ಫು, ಫೂ, ಫೊ, ಫೋ (#3)
Noto Sans Kannada v2.005 android 2.001 2.002 2.003 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Kannada v2.005

This release adds the Unicode 14 glyph NAKAARA POLLU U+0CDD and Unicode 15 glyph COMBINING ANUSVARA ABOVE RIGHT U+0CF3.
Noto Serif Kannada v2.005 android 2.002 2.002 2.003
Noto Serif Kannada v2.005

This release adds the Unicode 14 glyph NAKAARA POLLU U+0CDD and Unicode 15 glyph COMBINING ANUSVARA ABOVE RIGHT U+0CF3.
Noto Sans Kannada
Unhinted help
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Full help
Noto Serif Kannada

# Noto Sans Kawi

  • User shaping bug report on (#16)
  • Above-base anchors on post-base forms are inconsistent (#13)
  • `vowelAakawi.alt`, `repha_vowelAakawi.alt`, and `` lack above-base anchors (#12)
  • Above-base vowel signs disappear before candrabindu (#11)
  • Some more consonant stacks issues (#9)
Noto Sans Kawi v1.000
Noto Sans Kawi v1.000

This new family supports the Kawi (Old Javanese) script added in Unicode 15.0
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# Noto Kayah Li

Noto Sans Kayah Li v2.002 android 1.020 2.001 2.002 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Kayah Li v2.002

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Kharoshthi

  • Missing Kharoshthi conjuncts (#1)
Noto Sans Kharoshthi v2.004 android 1.030 2.002 2.001 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Kharoshthi v2.004

This release:
* Fixes the shape and positioning of the cauda mark (#2)
* Fixes a number of fontbakery fails

# Noto Khitan Small Script

  • Clarify difference between SerifKSS vs FangsonKSSVertical vs FangsongKSSRotated (#2)
Noto Fangsong KSSRotated v1.000
Noto Fangsong KSS Rotated v1.000 This is a new Noto family, covering the Khitan Small Script introduced in Unicode 13.0. This is a rotated variant of the main font.
Noto Fangsong KSSVertical v1.000
Noto Fangsong KSS Vertical v1.000 This is a new Noto family, covering the Khitan Small Script introduced in Unicode 13.0. This is a variant of the main font designed for vertical typesetting.
Noto Serif Khitan Small Script v1.000
Noto Serif Khitan Small Script v1.000 This is a new Noto family, covering the Khitan Small Script introduced in Unicode 13.0.
Noto Fangsong KSSRotated
Noto Fangsong KSSVertical
Noto Serif Khitan Small Script

# Noto Khmer

Noto Sans Khmer v2.004 android 1.901 2.002 2.003
Noto Sans Khmer v2.004

This release:

* Changes the vertical metrics to match the Google Fonts specification
* Fixes the handling of some consonant shifters (#7)
* Better selects the low form of prebase ro in deep stacks (#8)
Noto Serif Khmer v2.004 2.002 2.003
Noto Serif Khmer v2.004

This release:

* Changes the vertical metrics to match the Google Fonts specification
* Fixes the handling of some consonant shifters (#7)
* Better selects the low form of prebase ro in deep stacks (#8)
Noto Sans Khmer
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Full help
Noto Serif Khmer
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Full help

# Noto Khojki

  • Sans: 11241 is missing (#28)
  • Interpolation problems in `NotoSerifKhojki[wght].ttf` (#27)
  • U+1123E KHOJKI SIGN SUKUN is placed inconsistently in Noto Serif Khojki (#21)
Noto Sans Khojki v2.005 2.002 2.003 phone_iphone 2.001 laptop_mac 2.001
Noto Sans Khojki v2.005

This release:

* Fixes the anchoring of alternate anusvara (#23)
* Allows for kerning of sequences with marks (#13)
* Adds the newly encoded characters QA (U+1123F) and SHORT I (U+11240)
Noto Serif Khojki v2.005 2.001 2.003
Noto Serif Khojki v2.005

This release:

* Improves the display of nukta combinations (#14, #22)
* Correct reorders the nukta + sukun combination (#15)
* Allow conjuncts to form in the presence of a nukta (#16)
* Uses the steeper alternative E vowel to avoid clashes (#17)
* Fixes the kerning and display of AI vowel (#18)
* Removes some unnecessary glyphs (#19)
* Adds the newly encoded characters QA (U+1123F) and SHORT I (U+11240)
Noto Sans Khojki
Unhinted help
Hinted help
Noto Serif Khojki

# Noto Khudawadi

  • Inconsistent placement of U+112DF KHUDAWADI SIGN ANUSVARA (#2)
Noto Sans Khudawadi v2.003 2.002 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Khudawadai v2.003

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Lao

Noto Sans Lao v2.003 android 1.030 2.001 2.002
This release adds support for Unicode 14.0 characters, thanks to Ben Mitchell (@ohbendy).
Noto Sans Lao Looped v1.002
This release adds support for Unicode 14.0 characters, thanks to Ben Mitchell (@ohbendy).
Noto Serif Lao v2.003 android 1.030 2.000 2.002
This release adds support for Unicode 14.0 characters, thanks to Ben Mitchell (@ohbendy).
Noto Sans Lao
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Full help
Noto Sans Lao Looped
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Full help
Noto Serif Lao
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Full help

# Noto Latin, Greek, Cyrillic

  • Add U+1DFA (#470)
  • Noto Sans Missed Characters `partialdiff`, `increment` (Delta) and more. (#469)
  • add 1df25..a (#468)
  • U+1AC7 COMBINING INVERTED DOUBLE ARCH ABOVE has inverted anchor points (#467)
  • Not all Cyrillic glyphs were updated in the 2023 refresh (#466)
  • placement of diacritical wrong (#463)
  • Kerning inconsistent for decimal numbers '.' (#461)
  • U+1D5E and U+1D60 are subscript instead of superscript in Noto Serif (#460)
  • Make semibold masters sparse (#459)
  • Kerning inconsistency in Cyrillic (#458)
  • Intention to "sparsify" semibold master (#457)
  • Interpolation problems in `NotoSerif-Italic[wdth,wght].ttf` (#456)
  • Less vertical slashed zero bar for Noto Sans Mono (#455)
  • Combining Dot Below (U+0323) with Greek (#454)
  • Noto Sans renders "not equal to" glyph (≠) incorrectly (#449)
  • Design inconsistency in Cyrillic (#446)
  • Noto Sans Bold not working in Google Docs (#434)
  • Arrow umlauts: want thinner lines and wider wings (#426)
  • Anchor 2 falls between two stools (#425)
  • 031B combining horn: is it possible to improve it? (#424)
  • Troubles with basic umlauts (0300+) (#421)
  • U+AB66, U+AB67, U+10788, and U+107AD have inconsistent retroflex hooks (#419)
  • U+1ACB COMBINING TRIPLE ACUTE ACCENT has no small-caps variant (#418)
  • U+10FB, U+2056, U+2058, and U+2059 are too tall (#417)
  • U+03D5 ϕ /phiSymbol in NotoSansMono should have a stroked glyph (#414)
  • [Question] Possible to define a standard tadpole-like (or curly) comma/quotation mark for Noto Sans series? (#411)
  • Sorry, your som is not right (#406)
  • Visual ambiguity between left/right quotes (#400)
  • Stylistic alternate to reduce mirroring issues for certain glyphs e.g. bd & pq (#398)
  • Fractions for -thirds are wider than -fourths and -half (#397)
  • Minus sign U+2212 too short and looking like hyphen-minus (#396)
  • Add Alternate Glyph Forms for Lowercase L, T, G and A (#387)
  • Noto Mono is not mono. (#234)
  • Noto Mono has U+2264 (≤) and U+2265 (≥) but not the slanted versions U+2A7D (⩽) and U+2A7E (⩾) (#233)
  • Wrong positioning for diacritics of DIN 91379 in Noto Sans Mono (#1)
  • U+1C80 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ROUNDED VE has an ascender (#4)
  • Italic U+1C84 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TALL TE should not have a bottom serif (#5)
  • Wrong glyph for U+A66E CYRILLIC LETTER MULTIOCULAR O (#6)
  • Unable to use some Noto fonts on Windows in Visual Studio Code (#9)
  • Italic variants and serif uppercase J for Noto Sans Mono (#211)
  • Greek diacriticized letters without precomposed forms are not supported (#17)
  • Latin, Greek and Cyrillic superscript and subscript modifier letters are scaled composites (#18)
  • Add Unicode Variation Sequences to script that use them (#19)
  • Fraction-like abbreviation symbols have overlap (#20)
  • Greek 'ccmp' rules don’t match NFC input (#21)
  • U+A7AF LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL Q is too tall (#26)
  • Noto Serif: Missing Unicode arrows (#32)
  • "Combining comma above right" at wrong position (#33)
  • Bad kerning between left single quote mark and some capital letters (#35)
  • Bad serif on italic U+0507 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KOMI DZJE (#40)
  • No localized forms for Bosnian Cyrillic (#41)
  • U+1C86 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TALL HARD SIGN in Noto Sans Italic is oblique (#42)
  • Bad serifs on italic U+A7F6 LATIN SMALL LETTER REVERSED HALF H (#43)
  • Italic lowercase glyphs with Cyrillic left descenders (#45)
  • Bar of Cyrillic fita should not be wavy (#46)
  • Incomplete 'ss02' in Noto Sans Italic and Noto Serif Italic (#47)
  • Italic Cyrillic iotified a has an extra curl (#50)
  • Unlocalized combining Cyrillic letters (#51)
  • Inconsistent Cyrillic italics (#52)
  • Inconsistent Cyrillic glyph variants between Noto Sans Italic and Noto Serif Italic (#53)
  • U+1C87 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TALL YAT has uppercase-style serifs (#54)
  • Bad kerning for Cyrillic omega and ot (#56)
  • Combining Cyrillic letters should be stacked horizontally (#57)
  • Typicon support (#58)
  • Mispositioned off-center typicon marks (#62)
  • Blackletter letters are not slanted in italic fonts (#66)
  • U+A72B LATIN SMALL LETTER TRESILLO has a descender (#223)
  • Inconsistent glyphs for crosses pattée (#222)
  • Normal punctuation with smallcaps (#102)
  • Below-base diacritics are positioned like ogonek in Noto Serif (#219)
  • Latin U+A7BA-A7BF (ꞺꞻꞼꞽꞾꞿ) should not be italic in roman styles (#103)
  • Latin Extended-C-D-E characters required (#104)
  • Inconsistent styling of Chinantec tone marks (#216)
  • Wrong Turkic small capital i (#228)
  • Bad combinations of spacing Greek diacritics (#213)
  • Noto Sans: missing U+266A Eighth Note and U+266B Beamed Eighth Notes for complete subtitle support (#229)
  • ⟨Ҩ⟩ is kerned like ⟨О⟩ (#108)
  • Extraneous anchor points on combining versions of base glyphs (#109)
  • U+02BC 'Modifier Letter Apostrophe' is similar design as U+201D and U+2019 (#111)
  • The stylistic sets for non-serifed 'I' and non-descending 'J' should be separate in Noto Sans and Sans Display (#113)
  • Add a double-storey lowercase 'g' to Sans and Sans Display (#118)
  • Wrong glyph for U+23B7 RADICAL SYMBOL BOTTOM (#206)
  • Wrong glyph for italic U+2DF5 COMBINING CYRILLIC LETTER ES-TE (#119)
  • Add a non-descending uppercase J to Serif and Serif Display also (#120)
  • Noto Mono: consider making various ASCII symbols used in code and the terminal more prominent (#122)
  • Incomplete 'ss04' in Noto Sans (#123)
  • Noto Sans Mono: Are italics on the roadmap? (#203)
  • Missing U+1D102 MUSICAL SYMBOL FINAL BARLINE for Teuthonista (#127)
  • Duplexed figures(or, at least, numerals) for Sans and Serif (#128)
  • Overlapping marks on narrow bases (#131)
  • Localized Latin letters lack small caps (#133)
  • Wrong glyphs for Greek letter symbols (#208)
  • Missing and misplaced anchor points in Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic (#134)
  • Wrong glyphs for some Cyrillic letters (#136)
  • Some Cyrillic diacritic combinations should be stacked horizontally (#137)
  • Wrong glyph for U+204A TIRONIAN SIGN ET (#139)
  • Combining Half Marks are misplaced (#141)
  • Misplaced Teuthonista centralization strokes (#144)
  • Misplaced anchor points on transformed glyphs (#145)
  • Overline U+203E is too short in Noto Sans Mono (#197)
  • Problems with Teuthonista combining parentheses (#146)
  • combination I + J Noto Sans (#147)
  • Wrong glyphs for yat in Latin and Cyrillic (#149)
  • Add more f- ligatures to Serif Italic? (#151)
  • Add Navajo letterforms for smallcaps vowels with ogonek (#156)
  • Feature request: LEFT and RIGHT CORNER BRACKETS in mono space fonts (#157)
  • Missing smallcaps African letters (#160)
  • Missing alternates for; Eng.alt2 seems redundant (#161)
  • noto sans arrow (#166)
  • [Noto Sans Mono] `zero` and `liga` features (#167)
  • Missing OpenType superscripts and subscripts (#168)
  • Combining Cyrillic numbers (#170)
  • Macedonian lower case changes to Noto {Sans, Serif} {Regular, Italic} (#172)
  • Combining enclosing box causes TOFU (#173)
  • U+0333 and U+0347 (#175)
  • Latin/IPA vertical bars design issues (#177)
  • Latin letters with hook design issues (#178)
  • Add <IPPH> and <APPH> (if necessary) to deal with IPA + Greek unification (#181)
  • Combining commas above are inconsistent with those below (#186)
  • Bulgarian Cyrillic is Russian Cyrillic (#187)
Noto Sans v2.013 2.008 2.007
Noto Sans v2.103

This release:

U+026F TURNED M in italic (#48, #148)
* Improves the hook shape on V WITH HOOK (#178)
* Makes U+A7AE CAPITAL LETTER SMALL CAPITAL I a capital (#154)
* Improves the design and anchor positions of Latin upsilons (#179, #121)
* Corrects the placement of U+031A COMBINING LEFT ANGLE ABOVE (#183)
* Improves the design of U+1DF15 and U+1DF16 (#432)
* Corrects anchor positions on U+1D16 TOP HALF O and U+1D17 BOTTOM HALF O (#67)
* Allows the onum feature to apply to the figurespace (#39)
* Corrects the shape of U+2E49 DOUBLE STACKED COMMA (#59)
* Uses a Cyrillic breve when U+0306 COMBINING BREVE is used with Cyrillic (#38)
* Fixes the right side bearing of U+2057 QUADRUPLE PRIME (#415)
* Allows more African Latin combinations to be have the small caps feature
* Updates the shape of U+AB5A SMALL LETTER Y WITH SHORT RIGHT LEG to match Unicode 15.1
* Allows the pokrytie to be placed over superscript letters (#138)
* Support the sequence U+2E2B, U+032E for typicon notation (#63)
* Improves the anchoring of U+A69E COMBINING CYRILLIC LETTER EF (#220)
* Fixes the anchors on U+03D4, U+047E, and U+047F (#68)
* Adds IPA localizations to Greek script (#110)
Noto Sans Mono v2.014 2.007 2.010
Noto Sans Mono v2.014

This release:

* Updates the shape of U+AB5A SMALL LETTER Y WITH SHORT RIGHT LEG to match Unicode 15.1
* Improves the hook shape on V WITH HOOK (#178)
* Ensures that diacritic stacks in Romanian are not reordered (#214)
* Corrects the anchoring of double-width diacritics (#132)
* Support the sequence U+2E2B, U+032E for typicon notation (#63)
* Corrects the shape of U+2E49 DOUBLE STACKED COMMA, U+2229 INTERSECTION and U+A789 MODIFIER LETTER COLON (#59, #207, #217)
* Improves the anchoring of U+A69E COMBINING CYRILLIC LETTER EF and U+2C77 SMALL LETTER TAILLESS PHI (#220, #69)
* Adds IPA localizations to Greek script (#110)
* Makes full-width and half-width braces different widths (#61)
* Corrects anchor positions on U+1D16 TOP HALF O and U+1D17 BOTTOM HALF O (#67)
Noto Serif v2.013 android 1.070 2.007 1.03
Noto Serif v2.013

This release:

* Improves the anchoring of U+A69E COMBINING CYRILLIC LETTER EF (#220)
* Adds IPA localizations to Greek script (#110)
* Uses a Cyrillic breve when U+0306 COMBINING BREVE is used with Cyrillic (#38)
* Fixes the anchors on U+03D4, U+047E, and U+047F (#68)
* Corrects the shape of U+2E49 DOUBLE STACKED COMMA (#59)
* Allows the onum feature to apply to the figurespace (#39)
* Fixes the right side bearing of U+2057 QUADRUPLE PRIME (#415)
* Updates the shape of U+AB5A SMALL LETTER Y WITH SHORT RIGHT LEG to match Unico
de 15.1
* Support the sequence U+2E2B, U+032E for typicon notation (#63)
* Corrects anchor positions on U+1D16 TOP HALF O and U+1D17 BOTTOM HALF O (#67)
* Corrects the placement of U+031A COMBINING LEFT ANGLE ABOVE (#183)
* Improves the hook shape on V WITH HOOK (#178)
* Fixes the design of the tail on U+03D7 GREEK KAI SYMBOL (#420)
* Adds an anchor to the bottom of U+A7AF SMALL CAPITAL Q (#218)
* Adds a missing serif to U+1D7E SMALL CAPITAL LETTER U WITH STROKE (#49)
Noto Serif Display v2.009 2.007 2.003
Noto Serif Display v2.009

This is an administrative release. No changes have been made to any glyphs.
Noto Sans
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Noto Sans Mono
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Full help
Noto Serif
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Full help
Noto Serif Display
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Full help

# Noto Lepcha

Noto Sans Lepcha v2.006 android 1.030 2.003 2.006 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Lepcha v2.006

This release fixes a number of mark attachment issues, particularly on OS X.
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Hinted help

# Noto Limbu

Noto Sans Limbu v2.004 android 1.050 2.002 2.004 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Limbu v2.004

This release adds the characters U+0964 DEVANAGARI DANDA and U+0965 DEVANAGARI DOUBLE DANDA to the full builds.
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Hinted help

# Noto Linear A

Noto Sans Linear A v2.002 2.000 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Production ready fonts

# Noto Linear B

Noto Sans Linear B v2.002 android 1.040 2.001 2.001 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Linear B v2.002

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.
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Hinted help

# Noto Lisu

Noto Sans Lisu v2.102 android 1.030 2.101 2.102 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Lisu v2.102

This is an administrative release.

# Noto Lycian

Noto Sans Lycian v2.002 android 1.040 2.000 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Lycian v2.002

This release adds the two-dot punctuation (U+205A) to full builds

# Noto Lydian

  • Three inaccurate Lydian glyphs (#2)
Noto Sans Lydian v2.002 android 1.030 2.000 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Lydian v2.002

This release adds a combining dot below glyph (#1).
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Hinted help

# Noto Mahajani

Noto Sans Mahajani v2.003 2.002 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Mahajani v2.003

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Makasar

Noto Serif Makasar v1.001 1.000 n/a
Noto Serif Makasar v1.001

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Malayalam

  • U10 Traditional Conjuncts? (#27)
  • Many marks overlap other glyphs (#24)
  • 'dist' ignores marks that its rules would otherwise apply to (#22)
  • No pre-base ra after ya or ḻa (#20)
  • Ensure we support the latest script reform (#19)
  • Sans Malayalam: Wrong glyph shape for: G-MA cluster (#6)
  • Request to include optional conjuncts in Noto Sans/Serif Malayalam (#1)
Noto Sans Malayalam v2.104 android 2.001 2.101 2.103
Noto Sans Malayalam v2.104

This release:
* Includes a UI variable font, with some issues fixed (#18)
* Improves the placement of various marks (#2, #3, #4, #5)
Noto Serif Malayalam v2.104 android 2.001 2.102 2.103
Noto Serif Malayalam v2.104

This release improves the placement of various marks (#2, #3, #4, #5)
Noto Sans Malayalam
Unhinted help
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Full help
Noto Serif Malayalam

# Noto Mandaic

Noto Sans Mandaic v2.002 android 1.020 2.001 2.001 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Mandaic v2.002

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.
Unhinted help
Hinted help

# Noto Manichaean

  • U+10ACF MANICHAEAN LETTER YODH has two shapes: curl and dot (#8)
  • Ligatures are missing anchor points (#7)
  • Problems with Manichaean swashes and ligatures (#2)
Noto Sans Manichaean v2.005 2.003 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Manichaean v2.005

This release:

* Makes final ligatures work (#5)
* Improves the positioning of marks on top of ligatures (#4)
* Adds a high tatweel for numbers (#3)

# Noto Marchen

Noto Sans Marchen v2.003 2.002 2.002 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Marchen v2.003

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.
Unhinted help
Hinted help

# Noto Masaram Gondi

Noto Sans Masaram Gondi v1.004 1.003 1.004
Noto Sans Masaram Gondi v1.004

This release:
* fixes a number of fontbakery fails
* fixes overlaps between vowel signs and visarga (#2)

# Noto Math

  • Request for a bold math font for use in section and title headers (#67)
  • Add missing Arabic math symbols (#66)
  • Support all characters that have defined macros in unicode-math LaTeX package (#65)
  • Arabic math alpahabet needs redesign (#64)
  • Redesigns (#63)
  • Why does the source include `gcommaaccent`? (#62)
  • Chancery style should be the default for script math alpahebt (#61)
  • Binary and relational operators are too small and misaligned vertically (#60)
  • Monospace math alphanumeric glyphs are not distinguishable from sans-serif ones (#59)
  • `ssty` variants are too bold (#58)
  • Request to consider splitting Noto Sans Math into two fonts---a serif and a sans serif one (#54)
  • Minusplus symbol misaligned (#53)
  • Sans coproduct sign is confusable with disjoint union (#52)
  • Integrals are too upright and confusable with brackets/lines (#51)
  • Wrong symbols for multi-storey brackets (#44)
  • U+2044 FRACTION SLASH does not create vulgar fractions (#36)
  • Best-fit Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph could be better (#7)
  • Missing anchor points in Noto Sans Math (#5)
Noto Sans Math v2.539 2.001 2.001
Noto Sans Math v2.539

This is a new version including many fixes and OpenType MATH table support.
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Full help

# Noto Mayan Numerals

Noto Sans Mayan Numerals v2.001 2.000 2.000
Noto Sans Mayan Numerals v2.001

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Medefaidrin

# Noto Meetei Mayek

  • No Meetei Mayek conjuncts (#1)
Noto Sans Meetei Mayek v2.002 android 1.040 2.001 2.002 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Meetei Mayek v2.002

This release fixes a number of fontabkery fails.

# Noto Mende Kikakui

Noto Sans Mende Kikakui v2.003 2.002 2.003 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Mende Kikakui v2.003

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Meroitic

Noto Sans Meroitic v2.002 2.000 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Meroitic v2.002

This release:

* Fixes kerning (#1)
* Removes redundant U+2026 glyph (#2)
* Fixes the shape of the U+205D TRICOLON to be more upright (#2)

# Noto Miao

  • Alternate Glyphs for Lipo [lpo] (#2)
Noto Sans Miao v2.003 2.001 2.003 phone_iphone 2.001 laptop_mac 2.001
Noto Sans Miao v2.003

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails
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Full help

# Noto Modi

  • go-re and go-ro only show one VOWEL SIGN E mark (#14)
  • Anusvara obscured after -rdā (#13)
  • Request for serif style font for Modi script (#9)
  • Overline (Shiroregha) above the digits is missing in NotoSansModi font. (#8)
  • Some letters in Modi Script Font looks wrong (#7)
  • Inappropriate Glyphs (#3)
Noto Sans Modi v2.004 android 2.000 2.001 2.003 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Modi v2.004

This release uses the additional "DNaa" and "DNu" conjuncts. (#12)
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# Noto Mongolian

  • Fix OTL (#37)
  • Weights? (#32)
Noto Sans Mongolian v3.001 android 1.040 2.001 2.003 phone_iphone 2.001 laptop_mac 2.001
Noto Sans Mongolian 3.001

This release upgrades the embedded Latin subset in full builds to GF Latin Core.
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# Noto Mro

Noto Sans Mro v2.001 2.000 2.001 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Mro v2.001

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.
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Full help

# Noto Multani

  • Wrong glyphs for some Multani digits (#1)
Noto Sans Multani v2.002 2.000 2.002 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Multani v2.002 This release adds danda/double danda Devanagari glyphs to the full build.
Hinted help

# Noto Music

  • Incomplete coverage of ancient Greek musical notation (#3)
Noto Music v2.003 2.001 2.002
Noto Music v2.003

This release:

* Fixes the height and alignment of mensural rests (#2)
* Supports up to four staccato dots (#9)
* Makes null notehead visible when unattached (#5)
* Fixes positions of Byzantine symbols (#1)
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Full help

# Noto Myanmar

  • redesign of some glyphs for Shan (#66)
  • Instance settings incorrect in Noto Serif Myanmar (#62)
  • Serif: Shan Aa is not spacing (#61)
  • More (not) post-base U problems (#60)
  • Overlapping subjoined U+105B MYANMAR LETTER MON JHA (#24)
  • Two or more superior diacritics on one base character (#23)
  • Mon language is still not correct (#22)
  • Position Dot(1037) in Sgaw Karen Language on Noto Sans Myanmar Fonts (#38)
  • Need more spacing for Diacritic word on Noto Sans Myanmar (#20)
  • Issues in Noto Sans Myanmar for "Shan Language" (#19)
  • Myanmar: Glyphs should not look the same (#18)
  • Overlapping subjoined Myanmar consonants between narrow base and medial ra (#17)
  • Strange spacing in the presence of U+1037 MYANMAR SIGN DOT BELOW (#16)
  • Misplaced Myanmar ု U+102F Myanmar Vowel Sign U (#15)
  • U+105A U+103A should lose the subjoined component (#14)
  • U+103C MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL RA overlaps wide subjoined letter (#13)
  • No subjoined U+AA61 MYANMAR LETTER KHAMTI CA (#12)
  • Wrong form of U+103F MYANMAR LETTER GREAT SA in Mon (#11)
  • Canonically equivalent Myanmar strings look different (#9)
  • No ligatures with subjoined dotted U+1010 MYANMAR LETTER TA (#8)
  • No dotted forms of subjoined Myanmar letters (#6)
  • Inconsistent glyphs for U+1050 and U+1051 MYANMAR LETTER SHA/SSA (#5)
  • Small subjoined consonants below U+105A MYANMAR LETTER MON NGA (#4)
  • Overlapping above-base marks in Myanmar (#3)
  • Misplaced U+103D MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL WA after U+AA7E and U+AA7F (#2)
  • Some medial consonants overlap subjoined consonants in Myanmar (#1)
  • Misplaced U+AA7C MYANMAR SIGN TAI LAING TONE-2 (#34)
  • Missing ligature for Old Burmese (#31)
  • Questionable glyph for subjoined U+100B MYANMAR LETTER TTA (#30)
  • Missing ligatures with U+AA70 after tone marks (#29)
  • Localized letterforms for Myanmar script (add support for Tai Aiton and Tai Phake) (#26)
Noto Sans Myanmar v2.107 2.105 2.001 phone_iphone 2.001 laptop_mac 2.001
Noto Sans Myanmar v2.107

This release uses production naming for exported glyphs.
Noto Serif Myanmar v2.106 2.001 2.001 laptop_mac 2.001
Noto Serif Myanmar v2.106

This is an administrative release.
Noto Sans Myanmar
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Full help
Noto Serif Myanmar
Unhinted help
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Full help

# Noto Nabataean

Noto Sans Nabataean v2.001 2.000 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Nabataean v2.001

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Sans Nag Mundari

Noto Sans Nag Mundari v1.000
Noto Sans Nag Mundari v1.000 This is the initial Noto release of this family.

# Noto Nandinagari

  • Stylistic sets are incomplete (#14)
  • “Psa” component is inconsistent between conjuncts (#13)
  • Ṭa and ya are not connected properly (#11)
Noto Sans Nandinagari v1.002 1.000 n/a
Noto Sans Nandinagari v1.002

This release:

* Fixes the kerning of sa-virama (#5)
* Only forms reph if there is a following letter (#2)

# Noto Nastaliq

  • Need Help With Android font issue (#65)
  • dot collision, lam followed by peh (#64)
  • Collision between U+0650 ARABIC KASRA ARABIC KASRAH(◌ِ) and U+0628 ARABIC LETTER BEH(ب) (#63)
  • Shape of U+066B ARABIC DECIMAL SEPARATOR (#51)
  • Add support for Central Asian Turkic language characters to Noto Nastaliq Urdu (#14)
  • Noto Nastaliq Urdu: Joining issues with U+0648 ARABIC LETTER WAW (#15)
  • Noto Nastaliq Urdu: Regression in swash seen/sheen (#13)
  • Noto Nastaliq Urdu: Some more sequences ending in U+06D2 ARABIC LETTER YEH BARREE (ے) with incorrect dot positioning (#9)
  • Nastaliq curly vowel signs are not curly enough (#8)
  • Noto Nastaliq support for Balti Graf U+08C8 (#3)
Noto Nastaliq Urdu v3.009 3.003 3.007 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Nastaliq Urdu v3.009

*Important*: This release replaces the yanked v3.008.

This release:

* Encodes a number of new characters: U+06B5 LAM WITH SMALL V, U+06AD NG, U+06CB VE (#50), U+0695 RE WITH V BELOW (#53), U+0682, U+0690, U+0692, U+0694, U+0695, U+0697, U+069D, U+069F, U+06A3, U+06A5, U+06AC, U+06AD, U+06AE, U+06B2, U+06B4, U+06B5, U+06B6, U+06B8, U+06B9, U+06BF, U+06C5, U+06C8, U+06C9, U+06CB, U+06D1, U+0764, U+0765, U+0766 (#10)
* Improves the positioning of the LOW ALEF character (#7)
* Uses localized form of digits after a subtending mark (#47)
* Improves the contextualization of the divine name ligature (#4)
* Improves the display of isolated U+0768 NOON WITH SMALL TAH (#6)
* Fixes the position of nuktas and tahs ove lam (#16)

# Noto New Tai Lue

Noto Sans New Tai Lue v2.004 android 1.050 2.001 2.003 phone_iphone 2.001 laptop_mac 2.001
Noto Sans New Tai Lue v2.004

This release fixes the encoding of U+19D2 (NEW TAI LUE DIGIT TWO). See #2

# Noto Newa

Noto Sans Newa v2.007 2.004 2.007 phone_iphone 2.002 laptop_mac 2.002
Noto Sans Newa v2.007

This release fixes an issue with attaching marks to dependent vowels.
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Full help

# Noto N' Ko

  • Italic variants of Noto Sans N'Ko and N'Ko Unjoined are needed (#12)
Noto Sans NKo v2.004 android 1.020 2.001 2.003 phone_iphone 2.001 laptop_mac 2.001
This release:

* Adjust the size of the dorome, thanks to Neil Patel
* Reshapes the tone marks to make them easily distinguishable (#3)
* Sets above marks at a constant height (#7)
* Add spaces around Dantayalan where necessary (#5)
Noto Sans NKo Unjoined v2.004
This is a new font for display purposes, based on Noto Sans NKo with modifications to add a second weight by myself and Neil Patel.

# Noto Nushu

Noto Sans Nushu v1.003 1.002 1.002
Noto Sans Nushu v1.003 This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.
Noto Traditional Nushu v2.003 2.002 1.001
Noto Traditional Nushu v2.003

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong

Noto Serif NPHmong v1.001
Noto Serif NP Hmong v1.001

This release:
* renames the font family from "Noto Serif Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong" to avoid over-long name table entries
* fixes a number of other fontbakery fails

# Noto Ogham

Noto Sans Ogham v2.001 android 1.040 2.000 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000
Noto Sans Ogham v2.001

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.
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Hinted help

# Noto Ol Chiki

Noto Sans Ol Chiki v2.003 android 1.030 2.002 2.003 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Ol Chiki v2.003

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Old Hungarian

  • Added capital ligatures (#20)
  • Small and capital letter must be aligned to a baseline. (#16)
  • Old Hungarian font need capital ligatures, and several ligspec must not in the disc regio (#15)
  • Old Hungarian font name and unicode rangebits (#2)
  • Rename NotoSansOldHungUI -> NotoSansOldHungarianUI (#1)
Noto Sans Old Hungarian v2.005 2.003 2.002 phone_iphone 2.001 laptop_mac 2.001
Noto Sans Old Hungarian v2.005

This version adds a number of punctuation signs mentioned in the Unicode poposal to full builds of this font.

# Noto Old Hungarian Ui

  • Deprecate this repo? (#11)
  • building error on opensuse Tumbleweed (#1)

# Noto Old Italic

  • Noto Sans Old Italic should support Old Italic variant forms (#1)
Noto Sans Old Italic v2.003 android 1.020 2.002 2.002 phone_iphone 2.002 laptop_mac 2.002
Noto Sans Old Italic v2.003

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Old North Arabian

Noto Sans Old North Arabian v2.001 2.000 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Old North Arabian v2.001

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Old Permic

Noto Sans Old Permic v2.001 2.000 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Old Permic v2.001

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Old Persian

Noto Sans Old Persian v2.001 android 1.040 2.000 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Old Persian v2.001

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Old Sogdian

Noto Sans Old Sogdian v2.002 2.000 2.000
Noto Sans Old Sogdian v2.002

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Old South Arabian

Noto Sans Old South Arabian v2.001 android 1.030 2.000 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Old South Arabian v2.001

This font fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Old Turkic

  • Additional weights for Old Turkic (#1)
Noto Sans Old Turkic v2.003 android 1.020 2.001 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Bump version to 2.003

# Noto Old Uyghur

Noto Serif Old Uyghur v1.003 1.001 n/a
Noto Serif Old Uyghur v1.003

This release:

* Fixes the behaviour of kaf-alef
* Forms the correct forms of isolated ligatures (#3)
* Corrects the side-bearing of the kashida glyph (#4)
* Allows for correct topographic shaping of letters with marks (#2)

# Noto Oriya

  • Bump cryptography from 41.0.1 to 41.0.4 (#31)
  • Bump certifi from 2023.5.7 to 2023.7.22 (#27)
  • Serif: 0B55 is still missing (#26)
Noto Sans Oriya v2.006 android 1.010 2.000 2.003 phone_iphone 1.010 laptop_mac 1.010
Noto Sans Oriya v2.006

This version fixes an interpolation issue with the width axis at regular weight.
Noto Serif Oriya v1.051 1.050 1.051
Noto Serif Oriya v1.051

* Administrative fixes
* Add dotted circle anchors
Noto Sans Oriya
Noto Serif Oriya

# Noto Osage

Noto Sans Osage v2.002 android 2.000 2.001 2.002 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Osage v2.002

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.
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# Noto Osmanya

Noto Sans Osmanya v2.001 android 1.030 2.000 2.001 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Osmanya v2.001

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.
Hinted help

# Noto Serif Ottoman Siyaq Numbers

Noto Serif Ottoman Siyaq v1.006
Noto Serif Ottoman Siyaq v1.006

This release:
* Takes the companion latin from Noto Serif, not Noto Sans (#3)
* Fixes the marratan ligature (#2)

# Noto Pahawh Hmong

  • Noto Sans Pahawh Hmong character U+16B26 is not the original character (#2)
Noto Sans Pahawh Hmong v2.001 2.000 2.001 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Pahawh Hmong v2.001

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Palmyrene

Noto Sans Palmyrene v2.001 2.000 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Palmyrene v2.001

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Pau Cin Hau

Noto Sans Pau Cin Hau v2.002 2.000 2.002 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Pau Cin Hau v2.002

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Phags Pa

  • U+FE00 VARIATION SELECTOR-1 is ignored after a transitively mirrored glyph (#9)
Noto Sans Phags Pa v2.004 android 1.030 2.002 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Phags-Pa v2.004

This version fixes a number of issues (#8, #9) with transitive mirroring.
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# Noto Phoenician

Noto Sans Phoenician v2.001 android 1.040 2.000 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Phoenician v2.001

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Psalter Pahlavi

Noto Sans Psalter Pahlavi v2.002 2.000 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Psalter Pahlavi v2.002

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Rejang

  • Overlapping marks in Rejang (#1)
Noto Sans Rejang v2.002 android 1.050 2.000 2.001 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
This release fixes a number of overlapping glyphs (#1, #2, #3)

# Noto Runic

Noto Sans Runic v2.002 android 1.020 2.001 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000
Noto Sans Runic v2.002

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.
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# Noto Samaritan

Noto Sans Samaritan v2.001 android 1.030 2.000 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Samaritan v2.001

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Saurashtra

  • Missing Saurashtra conjuncts (#1)
Noto Sans Saurashtra v2.002 android 1.040 2.000 2.002 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Saurashtra v2.002 This release: AUTHORS.txt CONTRIBUTORS.txt Makefile OFL.txt build.stamp documentation fontbakery.yml fonts master_ttf master_ufo qa report.html requirements.txt scripts sources subset-files venv Fixes the category of certain spacing marks. (#3) AUTHORS.txt CONTRIBUTORS.txt Makefile OFL.txt build.stamp documentation fontbakery.yml fonts master_ttf master_ufo qa report.html requirements.txt scripts sources subset-files venv Fixes the counter shape of vocalic rr. (#4)

# Noto Sharada

  • Full version is missing letters (#14)
  • Noto Sharada font needs to be redesigned (#6)
  • Sharada CCV clusters are inconsistent with CC and CV clusters (#3)
Noto Sans Sharada v2.006 2.004 2.006 phone_iphone 2.001 laptop_mac 2.001
Noto Sans Sharada v2.006

This release fixes an issue where certain marks (in particular the e vowel) did not attach correctly to the base consonant.
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# Noto Shavian

Noto Sans Shavian v2.001 android 1.030 2.000 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000
Noto Sans Shavian v2.001

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.
Hinted help

# Noto Siddham

  • NotoSansSiddham-Regular.ttf GPOS table shows error (#24)
  • Matra is too wide in 'ss05' “jñī” (#23)
  • Double kerning in 'dist' (#22)
Noto Sans Siddham v2.005 2.001 2.004 phone_iphone 2.001 laptop_mac 2.001
Noto Sans Siddham v2.005

This version contains a number of shaping fixes, including:

* Make alternate jña available by +ss05 (#3)
* Do something sensible with ryu+ss05 (#19)
* Fix an issue where ss04 would take the -i vowel from the following cluster (#14)
* Form missing seed syllables (#18)
* Fix an issue with the ta-ha-ii-ma-m seed (#16)
* Fix attachment to dotted circle
* Raise matras when raising ra head (#12)
* Support raising ra head on third-order conjuncts (#13)
* Change kern feature to dist (#17)

# Noto Sign Writing

  • U+1D9C7 can be unreadable for certain fills and rotations (#9)
  • Is this behaviour OK? (#8)
Noto Sans Sign Writing v2.005
This release: 

- Allows additional marks on the modified forms of the head (#6) 
- Allows multiple modifier marks on the face (#2) 
- Ensure that marks correctly overlay onto the head (#4

# Noto Sinhala

Noto Sans Sinhala v2.006 android 2.001 2.002 2.006
Noto Sans Sinhala v2.006

This release makes the non-breaking space the same width as the breaking space, as required for Google Workspace.
Noto Serif Sinhala v2.007 android 2.002 2.002 2.006
Noto Serif Sinhala v2.007

This release fixes the category of the KOMBU DEKA vowel sign, fixing some overlaps (#6).
Noto Sans Sinhala
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Noto Serif Sinhala
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Full help

# Noto Sogdian

  • No stylistic variants of Sogdian contextual forms (#3)
Noto Sans Sogdian v2.002 2.000 2.000
Noto Sans Sogdian v2.002

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.
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Hinted help

# Noto Sora Sompeng

Noto Sans Sora Sompeng v2.101 2.100 2.101 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noro Sans Sora Sompeng v2.101

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails

# Noto Soyombo

  • Dotted circle disappears before most combining marks (#6)
  • A few more fixups to Soyombo (#3)
  • Dotted circle disappears before U+11A98 SOYOMBO GEMINATION MARK (#2)
  • U+11A98 SOYOMBO GEMINATION MARK makes consonants shorter (#1)
Noto Sans Soyombo v2.001 android 2.000 2.000 2.000
Noto Sans Soyombo v2.001

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.
Unhinted help
Hinted help

# Noto Sundanese

  • U+1BAB SUNDANESE SIGN VIRAMA does not form conjuncts (#2)
Noto Sans Sundanese v2.005 android 1.050 2.001 2.003 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Sundanese v2.005

This release fixes the positioning of the pamingkal. (#7)

# Noto Syloti Nagri

  • Syloti is poorly hinted in W10/GDI (#5)
  • Improvements for Noto Sans Syloti Nagri (#4)
  • Syloti Nagari, issue with ꠜ, ꠖꠥ, ꠦ, ꠧ (#3)
  • A Syloti Nagari font without the horaizontal line is needed. (#2)
  • Syloti conjuncts (#1)
Noto Sans Syloti Nagri v2.004 android 1.040 2.001 2.003 phone_iphone 2.001 laptop_mac 2.001
Noto Sans Syloti Nagri v2.004 This release fixes a number of issues with attachment of accents to the dotted circle glyph. (#7)

# Noto Symbols

  • Character spacing problem ♭♯♮ (#82)
  • U+1D377 "𝍷" TALLY MARK ONE is spaced improperly (#81)
  • U+2FFC-2FFF, U+31EF: Five additional "Ideographic description characters", newly assigned in Unicode 15.1.0 (September, 2023) (#80)
  • Alchemical symbols change in Unicode 15.1 (#75)
  • U+218A and U+218B don't change weights per "two" and "three" (#74)
  • Incorrect positioning on user interface symbols (#73)
  • Enclosing marks overlap adjacent clusters (#72)
  • Missing glyphs (consolidated) (#69)
  • Inconsistent symbols for metals and ores (#2)
  • Height of box characters in "Symbols for Legacy Computing" doesn't match height of box characters in "Block Elements" block (#26)
  • Misleading glyph for U+1F93B MODERN PENTATHLON (#14)
  • Combining character combines with the following character (#12)
Noto Sans Symbols v2.003 android 1.090 2.001 2.002
Noto Sans Symbols v2.003

This release:

- fixes a number of contour issues due to glyphs having open corners
- improves the positioning of combining marks (#23)
- fixes the presentation of circled zeroes (#15)
Noto Sans Symbols2 v2.008 2.003 n/a
Noto Sans Symbols 2 v2.008

This release includes new symbols U+1F1AD, U+1F10D-U+1F10F, U+1F16D-U+1F16F, U+1F774-1F776, U+1F77B-1F77F, U+1F900-1F90B (thanks to Emma Marichal!)
Noto Sans Symbols
Noto Sans Symbols2
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# Noto Syriac

  • Weights 200, 300, 500-800 present on Google Fonts but not here (even in googlefonts/, for all three variants) (#26)
  • Interpolation problems in `NotoSansSyriac[wght].ttf` (#24)
  • [ user feedback] Dot and mark positioning (#22)
  • Malayalam Syriac is missing (#11)
  • Assyrian Syriac fonts not found (#10)
  • Overlapping Syriac glyphs (#5)
  • Syriac fonts should improve ligatures (#2)
Noto Sans Syriac v3.000 2.000 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Syriac v3.000

This release:
* Comprises only of the Estrangela style of Noto Sans Syriac
* Interpolates as a variable font
* Fixes the naming of the stylistic sets (#1)
* Fixes the shape of U+0724 final semkath (#6)
* Fixes a problem with the rish-dieresis ligature (#8)
* Cleans up some of the OpenType layout code
* and fixes various fontbakery fails.
Noto Sans Syriac Eastern v3.001 android 1.040 1.040 n/a
Noto Sans Syriac Eastern v3.001

This release restores a number of missing ligatures and other shaping rules.
Noto Sans Syriac Western v3.000 android 1.040 1.040 n/a
Noto Sans Syriac Western v3.000

This release:
* Comprises only of the Western (Serṭā) style of Noto Sans Syriac
* Interpolates as a variable font
* Fixes the naming of the stylistic sets (#1)
* Fixes a problem with the rish-dieresis ligature (#8)
* Cleans up some of the OpenType layout code
* and fixes various fontbakery fails.
Noto Sans Syriac
Noto Sans Syriac Eastern
Noto Sans Syriac Western

# Noto Tagalog

  • Kudlit Rendering Issue in MS PowerPoint 2016 (#9)
  • May I enlarge virama, and make two or three pamudpods for different letters? (#8)
Noto Sans Tagalog v2.002 android 1.030 2.000 2.001 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
This release:

* Disables the use of the Universal Shaping Engine, fixing #5
* Makes pamudpod a base, fixing #6

# Noto Tagbanwa

Noto Sans Tagbanwa v2.001 android 1.040 2.000 2.001 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Tagbanwa v2.001

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Tai Le

  • Glyph variants for digits in Tai Le (#1)
Noto Sans Tai Le v2.002 android 1.040 2.001 2.002 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Tai Le v2.002

This release:
* fixes a number of fontbakery fails
* fixes a problem where shaping was applied across clusters. (#2)
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Hinted help

# Noto Tai Tham

  • Font needs reworking (#11)
Noto Sans Tai Tham v2.002 android 1.040 2.001 2.002 phone_iphone 1.040 laptop_mac 1.040
Noto Sans Tai Tham v2.002

This release:
* fixes a number of fontbakery fails
* correctly forms the conjunct for HIGH PA (#1)
* does not form the conjunct for WA+LOW YA unless sakot characters are provided (#3)

# Noto Tai Viet

Noto Sans Tai Viet v2.004 android 1.030 2.001 2.003 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
This release:

* Adds kerning to avoid mark collisions (#6)
* Removes the saltillo glyphs (#5)
* Fixes mark anchors again (#4)

# Noto Takri

  • Takri conjuncts missing, "post-form ha" not attested (#4)
Noto Sans Takri v2.005 android 2.002 2.002 2.003 phone_iphone 2.001 laptop_mac 2.001
Noto Sans Takri v2.005

This release includes the Unicode 14.0 codepoint U+16B9 (TAKRI ABBREVIATION SIGN).
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# Noto Tamil

  • Inclusion of original Tamil uyirmeyyeḻuttukaḷ no longer used in India? (#5)
  • Positioning of Grantha nukta inconsistent (#2)
Noto Sans Tamil v2.004 android 2.001 2.002 2.003
Noto Sans Tamil v2.004

This release:
* Includes UI builds
* Fixes missing kerning (#15)
* Improves the positioning of nuktas below vowel sign e (#3)
Noto Sans Tamil Supplement v2.001 2.001 1.002
Noto Sans Tamil Supplement v2.001 This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.
Noto Serif Tamil v2.004 android 2.001 2.001 2.003
Noto Serif Tamil v2.004 This release: AUTHORS.txt CONTRIBUTORS.txt Makefile OFL.txt dc documentation fontbakery.yml fonts foo.fea master_ttf master_ufo out qa report.html requirements.txt scripts sources subset-files variable_ttf venv Fixes missing kerning (#15) AUTHORS.txt CONTRIBUTORS.txt Makefile OFL.txt dc documentation fontbakery.yml fonts foo.fea master_ttf master_ufo out qa report.html requirements.txt scripts sources subset-files variable_ttf venv Improves the positioning of nuktas below vowel sign e (#3)
Noto Sans Tamil
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Noto Sans Tamil Supplement
Noto Serif Tamil
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# Noto Tangsa

  • Kerning is still mixed up (#7)
Noto Sans Tangsa v1.506 1.503 1.504
Noto Sans Tangsa v1.506

This release improves the shape of the final NG after community feedback (#9, thanks to David Williams).

# Noto Tangut

  • Change six glyphs to U15.1 (#3)
Noto Serif Tangut v2.169 2.168 2.001
Noto Serif Tangut v2.169

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Telugu

  • NotoSansTelugu font is not working in iOS 15 and 16 version (#23)
  • న్ద్ర॒ ndra with vedic anudatta overlapping (#21)
  • Components of subscript jña are positioned inconsistently (#18)
Noto Sans Telugu v2.005 android 2.001 2.002 2.003
Noto Sans Telugu v2.005

This release:

* Fixes a number of fontbakery fails
* Encodes the new glyphs U+0C5D NAKAARA POLLU and U+0C3C NUKTA
Noto Serif Telugu v2.005 android 2.001 2.002 2.003
Noto Serif Telugu v2.005

This release:

* Fixes a number of fontbakery fails
* Encodes the new glyphs U+0C5D NAKAARA POLLU and U+0C3C NUKTA
Noto Sans Telugu
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Noto Serif Telugu


Noto Sans Test v1.002
Noto Sans Test v1.002

There are no changes in this release.
Noto Serif Test v1.000
Ported from noto-source
Noto Sans Test
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Noto Serif Test

# Noto Thaana

Noto Sans Thaana v3.001 android 1.020 2.000 2.001 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Thanna v3.001

This release:

* Fixes an interpolation issue in the javiyani glyph
* Re-encodes the ALLAH glyphs
* Uses Latin comma and semicolon in full builds

# Noto Thai

  • 'aalt' contains invalid substitutions (#27)
  • U+0E38 overlaps U+0331 after U+0E0D (#26)
  • Italic and/or oblique font style (#11)
Noto Sans Thai v2.002 android 1.040 2.000 2.001
Noto Sans Thai v2.002

This release:

* Fixes the reordering of nikahit after an above mark (#3)
* Uses the alternate form of loChula when there are both above and below marks (#7)
* Improves the display of COMBINING MACRON BELOW with various bases (#6)
* Correctly orders COMBINING MACRON BELOW with another mark below (#5)
* Adds a stylistic set for tailless tho and yo (#9)
Noto Sans Thai Looped v1.001
Noto Sans Thai Looped v1.001

This is an administrative release; it renames the font from
"Noto Looped Thai" to "Noto Sans Thai Looped" and additionally fixes
some fontbakery fails:

* The Extrabold instance has been renamed to ExtraBold
* Underline thickness has been set to constant across the family
Noto Serif Thai v2.002 android 1.040 2.000 2.001
Noto Serif Thai v2.002

This release:

* Fixes the reordering of nikahit after an above mark (#3)
* Uses the alternate form of loChula when there are both above and below marks (#7)
* Improves the display of COMBINING MACRON BELOW with various bases (#6)
* Correctly orders COMBINING MACRON BELOW with another mark below (#5)
* Adds a stylistic set for tailless tho and yo (#9)
Noto Sans Thai
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Noto Sans Thai Looped
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Noto Serif Thai
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Full help

# Noto Tibetan

  • `uni0F4A0FB70FB1` has misplaced anchor points and is vertically compressed (#44)
  • Dependent vowel signs in Noto Serif Tibetan are misaligned (#20)
  • Actual Noto Sans Tibetan? (#10)
  • 'hang' baseline feature for NotoSans-Tibetan (#1)
Noto Serif Tibetan v2.103 android 2.001 2.101 2.103
Noto Serif Tibetan v2.103

This release:
* fixes a number of fontbakery fails
* removes an erroneous aa matra from the stack "tthya" (#4)

# Noto Tifinagh

  • Hello, I found an issue with a ligature, it is mentioned in the file attached (#19)
  • Half-implemented variant Tifinagh glyphs at inappropriate code points (#8)
  • Tifinagh: some ligatures seem erroneous (#7)
Noto Sans Tifinagh v2.006 2.002 2.005 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Tifinagh v2.006

This release:

- Improves the combination of dot and macron (#4)
- Anchors COMBINING HOOK ABOVE above letters (#16)
- Makes ligatures work correctly in right-to-left contexts (#17)
- Removes the unnecessary caron glyph (#6)
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# Noto Tirhuta

  • U+114C3 TIRHUTA SIGN NUKTA should block 'rphf' (#15)
  • Noto Sans Tirhuta (#9)
  • No conjunct for Tirhuta dbha (#8)
  • Perfectly overlapping viramas after Tirhuta ta (#7)
  • No conjunct for Tirhuta bra (#6)
  • Misplaced Tirhuta nukta in ⟨𑒥𑓃𑒽⟩ (#5)
  • No conjoining Tirhuta ya, ra, or va after conjuncts (#4)
  • Contextually inappropriate TaVirama.alt in Noto Sans Tirhuta (#3)
  • Word-final Tirhuta m in the middle of a word (#2)
  • Blocked Tirhuta kṣa (#1)
Noto Sans Tirhuta v2.003 2.002 2.001 phone_iphone 2.001 laptop_mac 2.001
Noto Sans Tirhuta v2.003

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.
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# Noto Toto

Noto Serif Toto v2.001 2.000 2.001
Noto Serif Toto v2.001

This release:
* fixes a number of fontbakery fails
* fixes clashes between the "ja" glyph and following glyphs (#1)

# Noto Ugaritic

Noto Sans Ugaritic v2.001 android 1.020 2.000 2.000 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Ugaritic v2.001

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Vai

Noto Sans Vai v2.001 android 1.020 2.000 2.001 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Vai v2.001

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.
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# Noto Vithkuqi

Noto Sans Vithkuqi v1.001 1.000 n/a
Noto Sans Vithkuqi v1.001

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.
Noto Serif Vithkuqi v1.005 1.004 n/a
Noto Serif Vithkuqi v1.005

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.
Noto Sans Vithkuqi
Noto Serif Vithkuqi

# Noto Wancho

Noto Sans Wancho v2.001 2.000 2.001 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000
Noto Sans Wancho v2.001

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.
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# Noto Warang Citi

Noto Sans Warang Citi v3.002 3.000 3.002 phone_iphone 3.000 laptop_mac 3.000
Noto Sans Warang Citi v3.002

This release fixes the handling of above-base subscript forms in the full build.

# Noto Yezidi

Noto Serif Yezidi v1.001 android 1.000 1.000 1.000
Noto Serif Yezidi v1.001

This release fixes a number of fontbakery fails.

# Noto Yi

Noto Sans Yi v2.002 android 1.020 2.000 2.002 phone_iphone 2.000 laptop_mac 2.000

This release adds a number of punctuation characters: uniFF01, uniFF0C, uniFF1A, uniFF1B, and uniFF1F
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# Noto Zanabazar Square

Noto Sans Zanabazar Square v2.006 2.002 2.005
This release:

* Fixes the display of clusters beginning with initial Ra (#8)
* Ensures that the final consonant mark appears below final Ra/Ya (#9)